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Antergos Keyboard Selection During Installation

One of the drawbacks during the installation of Antergos Linux was in identifying the keyboard layout option that was previously selected during the media installation.

As a result only the default variant was being used after installing the system.

I was able to identify the problem by going to the X window system xorg configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.d/00-keyboard.conf and noticing that the XkbLayout variant was not being properly identified as originally intended.

In my case, only one of the options had been specified correctly on the 00-keyboard.conf file.

What I found odd, is that on another system, which is by the way, running the same xfce environment from Antergos, the same problem was not encountered. On the other system, only one (1) variant was used, and it had correctly identified the layout twice, but on the system which after installing the Antergos media, loaded the incorrect values, two (2) variants were set accordingly, but only one (1) layout option was identified. In my case us had been been identified once, whereas with the former no issues pertaining to this problem occurred in the first place.

As the wiki Using X configuration files wiki recommends, not to modify any of the settings manually, but let instead localectl handle it. 1

Of course, it comes handy when there is even an example that illustrates the process by using the correct parameters. For something like:

Then something like the following 2, based on the previous example, suffices:

Set the values as deemed applicable to the desired customization.


  1. Using X Configuration files 00-keyboard.conf ↩︎

  2. Using localectl ↩︎